Select Mortgage Services Lends a Hand

Moving house, apartment or commercial property can be a daunting task. There are plenty of things to pack, organise and keep track of, and it can be an overwhelming process. Getting a few friends together to help out can be extremely helpful and reduce the amount of stress and pressure put on you.

Recently, our friend Shane from Shane Jacob Settlements moved his old Mount Pleasant Office to a great new place on Canning Highway. Peter hired out a truck to help with the move, and along with Trefor, lent a hand to transport the office gear and get him settled.

All in all, the day was a success. The stress Shane would of felt moving a large office could have been overwhelming, but the process was made easier with a helping hand. Overall, Shane loves the new place, and is settling in well. We all wish him the very best in his new office and in all his future endeavours.

If you are moving into your own new house, apartment, or office, having a clear and organised moving strategy can be the difference between a delightful experience and a disastrous nightmare.

We have put together some helpful tips that are sure to make your moving experience go more smoothly.

1.     Get organised early; create a move strategy that takes into account dates and times of when you aim to move, what you will take with you and what you’ll buy later on.

2.     Get rid of anything you don’t need; imagine yourself going on a vacation – sort through your belongings and sell or donate anything that you don’t use or need.

3.     Go cardboard box hunting; visit your local shopping centre and ask around for reusable cardboard boxes instead of buying new ones. Not only will it save you money, it’s better for the environment.

4.     Keep an inventory; label or number each box, list what is in each one and where it should end up. This will make the unpacking process a lot easier and organised.

5.     Gather help; whether it be hiring a truck and professional movers, or gathering a bunch of friends who are willing to volunteer, any extra help will benefit your move immensely.

It may also help to create a checklist of who to contact with your change of details, for example:

  • Any medical practices; doctor, dentist, specialist, and Medicare,
  • Insurance companies; health, car and home contents and building,
  • Services; power, phone companies, internet provider, and Australia Post,
  • Other institutions; schools, accountant, employer, university, and taxation department,
  • Licensing centres; drivers licence, car registration and any other licences you may have, and
  • Your bank/s

As a team, we are always here to help – with moving tips, or financial advice – so don’t hesitate to contact us for any queries or questions you have.

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