Over the life of a loan, your circumstances can change dramatically. As life goes on, your mortgage may become incompatible with your current situation; interest rates could drop a few points, or you may begin to dream of bigger and better things. That’s why it’s important to revise your mortgage every two to three years.
Read MoreWe are all familiar with the overspending that usually comes hand-in-hand with the holiday season. However, just like anything, with the right advice, care and attention you can get your finances back on track in the New Year.
Read MoreAccording to research conducted by the University of Scranton, it was found only 8% of people successfully achieve their resolutions each year. This is because most people give themselves New Year’s resolutions that appear unattainable.
However, the secret to following through on the midnight promises to yourself is by making your goals specific, realistic, and measurable.
Read MoreChristmas can be the happiest and most stressful time of year. With various financial pressures over the holiday season, it is common to experience more stress than usual.
In the spirit of giving, we have provided you with a short list of some of the things you can do to prepare for, and relieve, some of the financial stress over the holiday period.
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