Savings Savvy Ideas for an Autumn Reno

Winter is coming – and unlike King’s Landing, it’s a good idea to prepare for the treacherous times ahead. However, when getting ready for the oncoming wild weather, you don’t need to think big or break the bank. Rather, you can improve your home and backyard with savings savvy ideas that would make even the most savage Wildling nod their head in appreciation.

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Loan Series: Low Doc Loans for Car Purchases

"Low doc car loans are the saving grace for small business owners and self-employed Australians."

This is the first article in our Loan Series. If you're self-employed, own a small business or freelance, a low doc loan can allow you to purchase a commercial or personal vehicle without the extensive list of documentation that accompanies a traditional loan. 

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It’s Still Possible to Get into the Property Market in Your Twenties

What if we told you that it's possible to get your foot on the property ladder by your twenties? 

With the Australian media focusing on the upward trend in housing prices and the downward trend of profiting young Australians, we can understand why first home buyers feel daunted by the prospect of buying their first home.

However, with the right plan, goals and advice, you can own your first property far earlier than expected. 

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Mixing Business with Emotion: Tips for a Smooth Financial Separation

Separating from a partner is one of the most emotionally stressful experiences someone can have in their lifetime. With professional financial and legal advice, the process of financial separation can be an effective and smooth one if both parties work together. 

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