How time flies! The End of Financial Year is upon us once again. With June 30 looming, it’s a good idea to get your finances in order. You don’t need to wait until the final weeks of June to get into gear; there are things you can do now to reduce the stress towards the end of the month.
Read MoreDon’t you wish a loan came in an IKEA flatpack with an easy-to-read instruction manual? That you could put it together as if it were a set of drawers – clean, understandable, accessible. With all the various loan types, package and repayment options, a manual would make the process a whole lot simpler, wouldn’t it?
But never fear, that’s why we’re here: to simplify the process. At Select, we are the instruction manual. And we can help you understand the basics of what you need to know when choosing a repayment option.
Read MoreAs a novice or experienced investor, you have probably considered stepping interstate to buy property. Across Australia, each major city sits in a different stage of the property cycle, offering investors opportunities that are not available in their own state. However, interstate investors face hugely added risks.
Read MoreOn Tuesday 9 May, the federal government released the 2017 budget to the public. Among numerous measures, the limelight was cast upon making housing more affordable for first home buyers.
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