Don't put your neck out this tax time! Check out our useful checklist to get your finances ready for end of financial year.
Read MoreWhat’s a common financial rule of thumb you know? Who told you about it?
Most people find out through word-of-mouth – through a piece of advice explained by a parent or friend when approached for guidance towards buying, saving or investing. Financial rules of thumb are intended to provide guidance, and are a good starting point to begin to set your financial goals, but how reliable and effective are they?
Read MoreTreasurer Scott Morrison launched the 2018 Budget last Tuesday 8 May, promising more jobs, essential services and a budget that delivers a 'strong economy'. As the dust has settled, find out what it means for you and how it might affect your finances.
Read MoreEvery renovator asks themselves the question: Should I stay in my home while I renovate or find another place to go until it’s completed? Some renovators decide to stay in their home while it undergoes construction. Some decide to rent, stay at a hotel or go on vacation during the process. However, the answer usually depends on the scope of the project, its timeline and whether your family can endure the interrupted routine.
But how do you know what option is right for you?
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